So. This is a wire fruit basket. I have been wanting some iteration of a wire basket for a few months now, after seeing one that somebody had re-painted on a blog (of course, I can't remember which blog now!) I looked at all different ones on the internet and completely fell in love with them. Seeing that they were on Etsy for premium $ plus shipping, I told myself I would just keep looking. I thought that it would be an easy find at Renninger's Antique fair in March, but it wasn't meant to be. But it's a good thing it remained elusive, because then I found this gorgeous lady for only $4! It was at the saddest (and dirtiest!) looking estate sale I've ever been to, but I found a few things there I really loved (and one of them needs some serious love in return), but as soon as I saw this gorgeous beacon from the simple days of kitchen/dining fruit basketry , I swooned and grabbed that baby as fast as possible!!
Mid-century Wire Fruit Basket $4
The following lovely items are from the Sherry's Yesterdaze $5 sale! Most of them have already gotten some use!
Tapestry purse $5
This lovely couldn't be left behind! I didn't have any metal frame tapestry/brocade bags yet, and I've been loving them after seeing them pop up on Leilani's blog all of the time! The soft colors and lovely roses are just irresistable!
Another lovely:
Red Wool/Tweed/Whatever Purse $5
B/W Love <3 |
I've been wanting a bright colored purse, and this red one fits the bill! Perfect size, perfect color, and perfect shape! It's made out of a great rough wool-type of material, really lovely and textural!
She's certainly a photogenic little beauty! |
cute gold clasp! |
spiffy lining |
Like this purse? Definitely not. I LOVE it! |
Textures and awesome shadows! |
And one more new purse!
Vintage flower needlepoint purse $5
Obviously, it was a flowery kinda day! Actually I used this one today! I feel like some parts of this seem really new like the vinyl and the plastic handles, but the needlepoint-type front to it has a really great older look. Maybe the handles were replaced...? I don't know, but I like it nonetheless! And the flowers make it perfect for Spring!
And one last goodie for today:
Swirly sweater $5 |
slit sleeves and sides |
Cute buttons! |
And an ILGWU tag! It's a 1963-74 tag, and I think this little wonder is most likely 60s. |
Hope you enjoyed!